Poetry Reading Contest
Upon the arrival of ‘Grain in Ear Festival’ in the 24 solar terms, the midsummer time crept in suddenly.
So as to elevate students’ cultural attainment, enrich their extracurricular life in addition to stimulating students’ ambitions, on the afternoon of 5th June, at the School Lecture Hall on the first floor, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Chinese Department with the Junior High Division held a Poetry Reading Contest with the theme of ‘Dreams Accompanying Me All the Way’.
To be specific, all the Chinese teachers from Grade 7 acted as judges and evaluated the final results.
In the large Lecture Hall, each contestant did not have stage fright. Instead, they headed for the platform with well-thought-out plans, annotating their unremitting efforts and persistent pursuit towards their dreams, which presented a spectacular and passionate recitation feast before everyone’s eyes.
In summary, during the grand event, each and every judge off the stage was deeply impressed by students’ vigorous and optimistic spirit. Evidently, this poetry reading competition successfully concluded in an ardent atmosphere.

